Verhaaltjes en gedichten

Stories and Poems at
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Submission of a short story or a poem

We are very glad that you decided to submit your short story or your poem on

This website provides an operating platform for a community of writers to publish and readers to interact.
You’ll find a very interested audience in literature and the reader has also the possibility to comment your work.

Important: You remain the copyright holder of your work!

- I'm new on and want to register as an author!

- I'm a registered author at - I want to send in Poem or Story!

Please use the links above, do not send any poems or stories by e-Mail!

There is no risk to publish your work with!

Your advantages:

  1. you keep all rights of your work
  2. If we should delete your work, just send an email (Please note: we have no possibility to delete information in search engines)
  3. We won’t publish or market your work without your written acknowledgement in any form whatsoever (book, CD etc.)

Submission Rules:

  1. You have to be the author of your short story and/or poem
  2. You are the sole copyright holder of your work. No third person/party has any rights on your story and/or characters. is not liable if you, the author, don’t inform us about any transfer of rights.
  3. The owner of can refuse the right to publish an author’s work or can delete it without giving any reason.
  4. The author has to register under his/her real name. Even you want to publish with a pseudonym.

© 1999-2025 - Joerg Schwab
We are not responsible for content written by our authors and visitors and for links outside our domain - Our privacy policy