Comments of our readers for:

„Divine Hugs (Meditation)“ of Bernhard Pappe

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Poems of our authors from the category „Filosofisch“

I Bebe (

Pictur Author
Dear Bernhard,

the "divine hugs" are the ground for any sort of community, if all persons in it are able to feel them. May it be so...
Greetings, Irene

Answer by Bernhard Pappe (12.06.2015):
Dear Irene, I hope my poem could be such a little hug in this online forum. Have a nice summer day and feel hugged. Bernhard

Mandalena (

Pictur Author
A really beautiful poem for this beautiful sunday! Greetings, Mandalena

Answer by Bernhard Pappe (12.06.2015):
Dear Mandalena, many thanks from my side to you and myhug on a real summer morning. Bernhard

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